Our Approach
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
— Nelson Mandela
Our Values in Action
The capacity of humankind for creativity, innovation, and implementation is virtually unlimited.
What confounds our growth and development are the opinions, mindsets, and narratives of the past and present that have often served us well, yet now have become outmoded.
We believe in the creative importance of expanding the meaning of 'wealth' to include honoring personal and collective wellbeing, together with the gifts and talents of each person.
At Intergen we strive to use our creativity to bring into a coherent large picture:
- People, organizations, and communities;- Challenges, potential solutions, and scenarios;
- Interests, causes, and a sense of collective purpose.
There is a very real need to prioritize what is important, to act purposefully in concert and with greatest courage.
We understand that Business as usual will not be enough to address the scale of the changes afoot.
In an ever more unpredictable, uncertain, and ambiguous world we need courage to navigate uncharted waters.
At Intergen we do our best to embody the courage it takes to:
- Ask hard questions;- Listen attentively to what we don't agree with or understand;
- Be willing to walk an uncharted path.
We expand the meaning of ‘family’ to include care for our communities, the human family, and the natural world.
We believe that transforming ourselves and our own families of blood and affinity is central to creating the path forward.
This transformation requires care for our own wellbeing, as well as care for life around us.
At Intergen, we cultivate our initiatives with attention towards:
- Forging mutually beneficial outcomes for our partners and participants;- Turning misunderstanding into learning;
- Welcoming both quantitative and qualitative aspects of life, work, and play.
Our goal is to support great families of blood and affinity to be a core force for positive transformation in the world.
Transforming our ways of seeing the world can be challenging. Our commitment to the many generations to come gives us strength to move forward.
Intergen has been born out of a decade-long intention to give shape to the hopes, dreams, aspirations, and genius of many people.
Just as we have learned from so many others, we believe that a collaborative learning network has the capacity to deepen our commitments to ourselves as well as those around us to:
- Engage long-term structural challenges and opportunities;- Honor the fiduciary responsibility to evaluate risk over an extended timeline;
- Tackle challenges and issues none of us would be able to solve on our own.
“... without the shift in thinking, methodology becomes technique, and practice becomes imitation.”
— Peter Block
Learning in Action
Systemic Thinking
Reflection over Prescription
Purpose in Connection
Learning in Action
We take a holistic approach to learning, recognizing that it encompasses not only intellectual growth but also emotional intelligence, ethical decision-making, and personal well-being. Our programs and services are designed to foster a culture of growth, exploration, and continuous improvement.
Systemic Thinking
We strive to support family office stakeholders to navigate complex, long-term challenges, and opportunities through systems thinking tools and practices.
We define systemic thinking as a holistic understanding of interconnected relationships, revealing how decisions made today ripple across generations and impact the broader world.
By embracing systems thinking, family office stakeholders can make more informed, strategic choices that align with their values and long-term goals.

Reflection over Prescription
Our efforts are rooted in fostering meaningful connections and generating content that not only captivates our intellect but also resonates with our hearts and sense of purpose. We aim to introduce well-rounded and varied viewpoints on every topic, encouraging conversation and a richer mutual understanding. In doing so, we devote significant attention to formulating our questions, while allowing space for individuals to discover and follow the paths they are drawn to.

Purpose in Connection
Our experience over many years has led us to understand that our sense of purpose is only made available when in connection with others.
This is the key reason why we strive to serve three distinct stakeholders in all our activities: financial legacy family members, family office professionals, and leading-edge changemakers.
Our work is centered around this important realization: that we need each other to identify and bring our gifts forward, as well as to refine, reimagine, and reshape the ways we pursue shared goals and aspirations for a better world.
About Us
We believe the best way to learn about Intergen is to experience our work. So check our upcoming activities under "Experiences" in our main menu.
Contact Us
Please reach out directly in case you'd like to understand how we can serve your family, organization, cause, or collaborative initiative.