Our Worldview

Generational wealth plays a vital role in engaging long-term structural challenges and opportunities few other actors can anticipate and address. 
Our Mission

To Align Family Legacy with Planetary and Human Flourishing


Unique to family offices is the fiduciary responsibility to evaluate risk over an extended timeline, so as to manage wealth across generations and address multigenerational threats and opportunities.

In this context, Family Offices face a unique set of challenges in today's rapidly evolving world. From navigating complex financial markets and technological disruptions to addressing social and environmental issues, the demands on family office leaders and stakeholders are greater than ever before. To thrive in this environment, families need to continuously learn, adapt, and evolve.

The statements below stem from the collective wisdom of 44 individuals who participated in a series of Intergen workshops, running concurrently with the Family Office Association Intergen track in 2019.

They reflect the questions, aspirations, and insights that have informed the Intergen work of serving those striving to stand for their capacity to respond to the challenges and opportunities of our times; our "response-ability".

Statements & Calling

To access the full text, click the plus sign next to each statement to access the respective 'calling.'

I am called to respond purposefully, creatively and resourcefully to these complex times.

I am called to be aware of how my current actions affect the present and future of our planet.

I am called to balance my belonging to an existing community, with openness to learn from other communities, particularly those who are not part of my daily life.

I am called to be connected with others so we can amplify our collective action by cultivating trust and coordinated action.

I am called to working across generations to support the positive transformation of the world.

I am called to acknowledge and integrate multiple forms of capital in my life and work.

I am called to self-inquiry, exploring empathy, listening deeply, and being open minded so that I can be a better collaborator.

I am called to create trust-worthy relationships and commit to reconciliation when necessary.